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The Echo of the Earth

since 1996

The Courage of Depth


From the very beginning, it was clear that the only solution to creating identity-driven wines, born from this particular land and specific vineyard, would be the rigorous application of organic farming methods.


A conscious decision was made to withhold excessive external nourishment from the vines. Consequently, the vineyard responded in accordance with the teachings of Mother Nature: the root system began to delve deep, seeking water and sustenance.



Nutrendosi e respirando a questo livello del suolo, attraverso l’apparato radicale che è il suo cuore, la vigna diventa indipendente da ciò che accade in superficie. È forte perché ha imparato a lavorare da sola, è lei a programmare l’uva che riesce a portare in fondo, le potature fanno solo da corollario al lavoro che lei fa.


Nel 1996 l’apparato radicale era di 4 o 5 centimetri. Ora la media aziendale registra una profondità di 50 centimetri. A questa profondità si trova una temperatura perenne di 15 gradi: l’eterna primavera.



By thriving and respiring at this profound level within the soil, through its root system which serves as its core, the vine achieves autonomy from surface-level influences. Its resilience stems from its ability to function autonomously; the vine determines the quality of the grapes it produces, with pruning serving as a complement to its natural processes.


Nel 1996 l’apparato radicale era di 4 o 5 centimetri. Ora la media aziendale registra una profondità di 50 centimetri. A questa profondità si trova una temperatura perenne di 15 gradi: In 1996, the root system was 4 to 5 centimeters deep. Presently, the company's average reports a depth of 50 centimeters. At this depth, a perennial temperature of 15 degrees Celsius prevails: an everlasting spring.


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